Skeptical Inquiries
In The History of Western Astrology, Jim Testor makes the claim that astrology, as we know it is a relatively recent invention. He claims that it only came into being in the times of the later Roman Empire. We know that the astrological system that we use today in the West is quite different than the system that was used by the earlier culture, such as the Babylonians and the Egyptians. Hindu Astrology is said to have come from the Greeks and was further developed by them into the Jyotish system we know today. When we take a look at the Rig Veda we find that the fully developed system, supposedly developed by the Greeks is there in the 164th hymn of the first Book of the Rig Veda.
The Rig Veda is extremely old. No one knows for sure just how old it is. It generally assumed that the present form of the Veda was collected from various sources and written down by Vyasadeva in about 550 BC. He was also responsible for compiling the other three Vedas, the Sama, Yajur and Arthura Vedas. He also given credit for writing the Mahabarata, the Ramayana and the Srimad Bhagavat am. These books constitute the scriptures of the Hindus and are collectively known as the vedic literature. Just how old the stories of the Vedas are is a matter of opinion, but there are indications that it is many thousands of years old. The first book of the Rig Veda is considered to be the oldest, possibly describing people and events at the end of the ice age. Despite of it's extreme age it is in the first book of the Rig where we find the fully developed system of astrology that was used up until the telescopic planets were discovered.
Here is the Hymn with the annotations that show that what it is describing is the complete astrological system.
HYMN CLXIV. Viśvedevas.
OF this benignant Priest, with eld grey-coloured, the brother midmost of the three is lightning. (The three are the three qualities, mutable, active and fixed. In this arrangement active is compared to lightning.)The third is he whose back with oil is sprinkled. Here I behold the Chief with seven male children. (the quality of fixed.)
2 Seven to the one-wheeled chariot yoke the Courser; bearing seven names the single Courser draws it.( the seven planets comprise one solar system.)Three-naved the wheel is, sound and undecaying, whereon are resting all these worlds of being. (Again the three qualities upon which everything is created. In alchemy these are known as sulphur salt and mercury. Sulpur is active, salt is mutable and mercury is fixed. From these three qualites come the four elements.)
3 The seven who on the seven-wheeled car are mounted have horses, seven in tale, who draw them onward. (An explanation of the centrifugal force.)Seven Sisters utter songs of praise together, in whom the names of the seven Cows are treasured. (The seven sisters are the seven planets in their receptive forms.)
4 Who hath beheld him as he sprang to being, seen how the boneless One supports the bony? (The boneless one is the sun, as it is the only one who has no solid body: bony and boneless.)Where is the blood of earth, the life, the spirit? Who may approach the man who knows, to ask it? (Prana is considered to come from the sun: the vital force of life.)
5 Unripe in mind, in spirit undiscerning, I ask of these the Gods’ established places;For up above the yearling Calf the sages, to form a web, their own seven threads have woven. (the interactions of the planets.
6 I ask, unknowing, those who know, the sages, as one all ignorant for sake of knowledge,What was that ONE who in the Unborn's image hath stablished and fixed firm these worlds' six regions. (The sun as the center of the solar syste, influencing the unborn fetus.)
7 Let him who knoweth presently declare it, this lovely Bird's securely founded station.Forth from his head the Cows draw milk, and, wearing his vesture, with their foot have drunk the water. (Reiterating the sun as the center of the system.)
8 The Mother gave the Sire his share of Order: with thought, at first, she wedded him in spirit.(The influence of the moon. The mother.)She, the coy Dame, was filled with dew prolific: with adoration men approached to praise her. (In ancient times people worshiped the moon.)
9 Yoked was the Mother to the boon Cow's car-pole: in the dank rows of cloud the Infant rested. (The moon orbits the earth.)Then the Calf lowed, and looked upon the Mother, the Cow who wears all shapes in three directions. (The three qualities make up the four elements from which everything is made.)
10 Bearing three Mothers and three Fathers, single he stood erect: they never make him weary. (The positive and negative aspects of the qualities.)There on the pitch of heaven they speak together in speech all-knowing but not all-impelling. (The planets influences are subject to free will.)
11 Formed with twelve spokes, by length of time, unweakened, rolls round the heaven this wheel of during Order. (The twelve signs.)Herein established, joined in pairs together, seven hundred Sons and twenty stand, O Agni. (each individual degree of the zodiac is considered to be a positive and negative pair. This system of 360 degrees has always been considered to be an invention of the Babylonians around 500 BC, but we can see that it was in fact a pre-existing system adopted by the Babylonians and not invented by them.)
12 They call him in the farther half of heaven the Sire five-footed, of twelve forms, wealthy in watery store. (In the esoteric system there are five elements, not just four. This fact was kept secret by the philosophers and even Plato encouraged it's concealment from the general public. Here it is stated that the twelve signs are actually comprised of five elements, not just the commonly known four elements.)These others say that he, deva with far-seeing eyes, is mounted on the lower seven-wheeled, six-spoked car. (The seven planets in six paired signs. Six positive and six negative signs.)
13 Upon this five-spoked wheel revolving ever all living creatures rest and are dependent. (The five spokes are the five elements. Here we have the wheels within wheels of Ezekiel.)Its axle, heavy-laden, is not heated: the nave from ancient time remains unbroken. ( The planets have no friction as they orbit the sun.)
14 The wheel revolves, unwasting (seeming perpetual motion.), with its felly (rim): ten draw it, yoked to the far-stretching car-pole. (The oldest systems of astrology only had ten signs, or the five elements as positive and negative pairs.)The Sun's eye moves encompassed by the region: on him dependent rest all living creatures. (the sun rotates, but it does not move.)
15 Of the co-born they call the seventh single-born; the six twin pairs are called Ṛṣis, Children of devas. (All the planets except Mercury are positive, or negative, male of female, but Mercury is hermaphroditic.)Their good gifts sought of men are ranged in order due, and various in their form move for the Lord who guides. (People want the positive influences of the planets.)
16 They told me these were males, though truly females: he who hath eyes sees this, the blind discerns not. (The planets are made of ordinary matter, feminine in esoteric terms.)The son who is a sage hath comprehended: who knows this rightly is his father's father.
17 Beneath the upper realm, above this lower, bearing her calf at foot the Cow hath risen. (The Avatars.)Witherward, to what place hath she departed? Where calves she? Not amid this herd of cattle.
18 Who, that the father of this Calf discerneth beneath the upper realm, above the lower,Showing himself a sage, may here declare it? Whence hath the Godlike spirit had its rising? (How do Avatars come into being?)
19 Those that come hitherward they call departing, those that depart they call directed hither. And what so ye have made, Indra and Soma, steeds bear as ’twere yoked to the region's car-pole. (Indra as the Sun and Soma as the moon. In the Rig the three main devas are Indra, Soma and Agni. Father, mother and son/daughter. Father, Holy Ghost and Son.)
20 Two Birds with fair wings, knit with bonds of friendship, in the same sheltering tree have found a refuge. (The positive and the negative poles.)One of the twain eats the sweet Fig-tree's fruitage; the other eating not regardeth only. (The positive is received by the negative. In modern physics the electrons travel from the negative pole to the positive pole.)
21 Where those fine Birds hymn ceaselessly their portion of life eternal, and the sacred synods, (The planetary influences are eternal, never ceasing.)There is the Universe's mighty Keeper, who, wise, hath entered into me the simple.
22 The, tree whereon the fine Birds eat the sweetness, where they all rest and procreate their offspring,— (The solar system symbolized as a tree, the tree of life.) Upon its top they say the fig is luscious: none gaineth it who knoweth not the Father.
23 How on the Gāyatrī the Gāyatrī was based, how from the Triṣṭup they fashioned the Triṣṭup forth,How on the Jagatī was based the Jagatī,—they who know this have won themselves immortal life. (The hymns of the Vedas are comprised of these different types of poetry. They are songs with different metres. Some are made of three beats, four beats and up to twelve, or more beats. Here the origin of the different tempos are considered to have originated with the music of the spheres.)
4 With Gāyatrī he measures out the praise-song, Sāma with praise-song, triplet with the Triṣṭup.The triplet with the two or four-foot measure, and with the syllable they form seven metres. (The seven planets.)
(25 With Jagatī the flood in heaven he stablished, and saw the Sun in the Rathantara Sāman. (The Saman is the second Veda.)Gāyatrī hath, they say, three brands for kindling: hence it excels in majesty and vigour.
26 I invocate the milk-cow good for milking so that the milker, deft of hand, may drain her. (Using the prime vibrations of the cosmic to invoke their magical manifestations. May Savitar (the spiritual sun) give goodliest stimulation. The caldron is made hot; I will proclaim it.
27 She, lady of all treasure, is come hither yearning in spirit for her calf and lowing.May this cow yield her milk for both the Aśvins, and may she prosper to our high advantage. (the moon as Soma.)
28 The cow hath lowed after her blinking youngling; she licks his forehead, as she lows, to form it.His mouth she fondly calls to her warm udder, and suckles him with milk while gently lowing. (The moon is considered to nurture life on the earth.)
29 He also snorts, by whom encompassed round the Cow laws as she clings unto the shedder of the rain. She with her shrilling cries hath humbled mortal man, and, turned to lightning, hath stripped off her covering robe. (The planetary influences bringing stormy weather.)
30 That which hath breath and speed and life and motion lies firmly stablished in the midst of houses. (the houses of the horoscope.)Living, by offerings to the Dead he moveth Immortal One, the brother of the mortal.
31 I saw the Herdsman, him who never stumbles, approaching by his pathways and departing. (Bootes, the Herdsman.)He, clothed with gathered and diffusive splendour, within the worlds continually travels.
32 He who hath made him cloth not comprehend him: from him who saw him surely is he hidden.He, yet enveloped in his Mother's bosom, source of much life, hath sunk into destruction.
33 Dyaus (the spiritual sky, the cosmic.) is my Father, my begetter: kinship is here. This great earth is my kin and Mother.Between the wide-spread world-halves is the birth-place: the Father laid the Daughter's germ within it. (The cosmic quickens matter to life.)
34 I ask thee of the earth's extremest limit, where is the centre of the world, I ask thee.I ask thee of the Stallion's seed prolific, I ask of highest heaven where Speech abideth.
35 This altar is the earth's extremest limit; this sacrifice of ours is the world's centre.The Stallion's seed prolific is the Soma; this Brahman highest heaven where Speech abideth. (In astrology the place where the horoscope is constructed is the center of the universe.)
36 Seven germs unripened yet are heaven's prolific seed: their functions they maintain by Viṣṇu's ordinance. (The seven planets as archetypal forms.)Endued with wisdom through intelligence and thought, they compass us about present on every side. (The planets are sentient beings. Devas.)
37 What thing I truly am I know not clearly: mysterious, fettered in my mind I wander.When the first-born of holy Law approached me, then of this speech I first obtain a portion. (Krshna.)
38 Back, forward goes he, grasped by strength inherent, the Immortal born the brother of the mortal. (Krshna.)Ceaseless they move in opposite directions: men mark the one, and fail to mark the other. (The immortal and the mortal. Men are mortal, or so they believe.)
39 Upon what syllable of holy praise-song, as twere their highest heaven, the devas repose them,—Who knows not this, what will he do with praise-song? But they who know it well sit here assembled.
40 Fortunate mayst thou be with goodly pasture, and may we also be exceeding wealthy.Feed on the grass, O Cow, at every season, and coming hitherward drink limpid water.
41 Forming the water-floods, the buffalo hath lowed, one-footed or two-footed or four-footed, she,Who hath become eight-footed or hath got nine feet, the thousand-syllabled in the sublimest heaven. (The different harmonic divisions and also the idea of nine planets.)
42 From her descend in streams the seas of water; thereby the world's four regions have their being,Thence flows the imperishable flood and thence the universe hath life.
43 I saw from far away the smoke of fuel with spires that rose on high o’er that beneath it.The Mighty Men have dressed the spotted bullock. These were the customs in the days aforetime, (The ancient rituals of animal sacrifice.)
44 Three with long tresses show in ordered season. One of them sheareth when the year is ended. (Capricorn's ruler Saturn with his scythe.) One with his powers the universe regardeth: Of one, the sweep is seen, but his figure. (Aquarius, the man.)
45 Speech hath been measured out in four divisions, the Brahmans who have understanding know them. (The four elements.)Three kept in close concealment cause no motion; of speech, men speak only the fourth division.(The element earth. Solid matter.)
46 They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa, Agni, and he is heavenly nobly-winged Garutmān. (The ultimate prime energy.)To what is One, sages give many a title they call it Agni, Yama, Mātariśvan.
47 Dark the descent: the birds are golden-coloured; up to the heaven they fly robed in the waters. (The planetary influences.)Again descend they from the seat of Order, and all the earth is moistened with their fatness. (The planets stimulate the life giving rains.)
48 Twelve are the fellies (rims of the wheels), and the wheel is single; three are the naves. What man hath understood it? (The twelve signs and three qualities.)Therein are set together spokes three hundred and sixty, which in nowise can be loosened. (the circle of 360 degrees. Supposedly not invented until later by the Bablyonians.)
49 That breast of thine exhaustless, spring of pleasure, wherewith thou feedest all things that are choicest, (The life force comes from the cosmic.)Wealth-giver, treasure. finder, free bestower,—bring that, Sarasvatī, that we may drain it. (The river of life, the eternal spring of the cosmic.)
50 By means of sacrifice the devas accomplished their sacrifice: these were the earliest ordinances.These Mighty Ones attained the height of heaven, there where the Sādhyas, devas of old, are dwelling. (The planets are considered to be manifestations of archetypal forms.)
51 Uniform, with the passing days, this water mounts and fails again.The tempest-clouds give life to earth, and fires re-animate the heaven. (The energy of the cosmic never ends and is infinite.)
52 The Bird Celestial, vast with noble pinion, the lovely germ of plants, the germ of waters, (The archetypes of form.)Him who delighteth us with rain in season, Sarasvān I invoke that he may help us. (That which created the entire system. There are 52 verses, the 52 weeks of the year. )
We know that the Rig Veda came into it's present form no later than 550 BC and yet the historians tell us that the system of astrology was not developed until the time of Ptolemy who was born in AD 90. The Babylonians are said to have created the system of 360 degrees to a circle and the seven days of the week. The Greeks are said to have invented the systems of four and five elements. From the above, however, we can see that the entire system of geometry, time keeping and astronomy used by both the Babylonians and the Greeks was pre-existing and only adopted by the later cultures. This shows that the origins of astrology are in the very remote past and are very suggestive of an advanced ancient civilization with an advanced knowledge of astronomy. The sun is placed at the center and the planets orbit around it. This demotes the Greeks to redactors of ancient knowledge and not the inventors as modern historians would have us believe. In light of this evidence the entire history of astrology must be rewritten and in fact our entire concept of the source of our culture must be re-examined. It did not come from the Greeks and Babylonians as we have been taught, but rather has only been adopted by them. A complete system of ancient physics is presented in the 164th hymn of the Rig Veda, which from our modern perspective is not possible without there being a previous, more advanced understanding of science than that which was possessed by the later civilizations.
The Aryans were the writers of the Rig Veda at a remote time in the past. We know this was a very remote period, for Sanskrit is the mother of the Indo-European languages and it spwaned all the languages of the modern western civilization including Northern India. There are no great grasslands in India as described in the Rig Veda. There are no vast heards of wild cattle as describbed there either, but there these things north of Afghanistan where there are seven rivers, which land was named from: The land of the Seven Rivers. In the Rig Veda it says that the greatest river was the Saraswati and it flows to the ocean. In Siberia there is the Yenesi river, from which the name Saraswati is very closely liguisitcally related to Yenesi. The Yenesi runs from the Hindu Kush Mountains to the Arctic Ocean. The Rig Veda speaks of distant time in the past when the evnts took place, and vedas were written a very long time ago, having been orally transmitted for untold ages through the venue of the hymns. By the information being translated into the complex coded form that the Vedas are in insured that the information would not become corrupt due to the strict rules that the verse are written by.
The fact that the geometry we use and the system of astrology that we are all familiar with did not originate in Egypt, or Babylonia, or with the Greeks sets the whole history of the world on it's head as it presumes a pre-existing civiliztion that was superior to the ones who were singing about the great dead of the ancient past. Chemistry came alchemy and the system of alchemy is here as well. The whole of our civilization rests upon the vedas and we are not aware of it.
What a strange world it is.
Talk about conspiracy theories!